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cured meat products

We import a variety of different cured and cold meat products Golfetta, Italy and Embotits calet from Spain.

SALUMIFICIO GOLFERA S.p.A360foods-different cured meat products
Golfera and Golfetta are made with the finest quality meats, spices and wines to insure the highest quality and taste possible, using only pork from pigs raised according to the requirements established for DOP Parma ham and DOP San Daniele ham, giving the consumers full assurance with regards to farming methods, feed regimes and proveance of livestock.

The company is located in Olot (Girona), one of the most important manufacturing places in Spain, referring to cold meat products. So they have an added value concerning to quality, experience and know-how. Olot area is isolated between valleys, close to the Pyrenees. This location brings an ideal climatology for a perfect cure of the products, getting a unique flavour and taste.